One in English, one in the original Aramaic
The current series of my English Zohar course (Series 30) runs from February 18 through March 25 (including February 18, 25; March 4, 11, 18 and 25). For details on this course, see below. We are exploring Volume 3 of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition.
The current series of my Aramaic Zohar course (Series 10) runs from January 16, 2025, through March 27 (meeting biweekly, including these 6 Thursdays: January 16 and 30, February 13 and 27, March 13 and 27). For details on this course, see below. We are exploring the original Aramaic text of the Zohar, corresponding to Volume 3 of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition.
For sample videos of both courses, click above on "Free Videos and Podcasts" or see below.
For Enrollment and Payment Information, see below, at the end of this page. There is no link for payment. Rather, as explained below (in Enrollment and Payment Information), you simply pay me online (via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle) or send a check, and then I will send you further info and links for the course.
For a curriculum (a full list of the Zohar passages we've studied, 2019-2023), click above on "Zohar Curriculum."
Some years ago, I completed an 18-year project of translating and annotating the Zohar (The Zohar: Pritzker Edition). Now I am teaching Zohar online. There are two Zohar courses, one based on my English translation and the other based on the original Aramaic text of the Zohar. Each is described below.
There are various ways to participate in either course.
The Aramaic Zohar course meets bi-weekly on alternate Thursdays. Each series consists of six shiurim (“measures,” lessons). The current series (Series 10) runs from January 16 through March 27. The time of the Zoom meetings of the Aramaic course is: 11 am -12:15 pm (Pacific), 2 pm (Eastern), 9 pm (Israel time). Video and audio recordings (of all six shiurim of any one series) are available to anyone who enrolls in that series. Those who wish can also enroll in any of the earlier series and watch or listen to the recordings. For enrollment and payment information, see below. For this Aramaic Zohar course, you do not need to know Aramaic, but you should have fluency in reading Hebrew (with comprehension).
The English Zohar course meets weekly on Tuesdays, with six shiurim in each series. Here we study the Zohar in my English translation (The Zohar: Pritzker Edition), with frequent reference to the original Aramaic. In each series, we explore new passages from the Zohar, not repeating what has been covered in any earlier series.
Video and audio recordings (of all six shiurim of any one series) are available to anyone who enrolls in that series. Currently (in both courses) about half the participants attend the live shiurim, whereas the other half access the recordings afterward at their convenience. The upcoming series (Series 30) runs from February 18 through March 25 (including February 18, 25; March 4, 11, 18 and 25). Those who wish can also enroll in any of the earlier series and watch or listen to the recordings. For enrollment and payment information, see below.
The English course meets via Zoom on Tuesday evenings from 5 pm – 6:30 pm Pacific Time (8 pm – 9:30 pm Eastern Time). During the first hour, I teach a passage from the Zohar, following which there is time for questions. In November 2020 we completed Volume 1 of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition In May 2023 we completed Volume 2. We are currently in Volume 3. If you join the course, you should obtain Volume 1 (for Series 1-12), Volume 2 (for Series 12-23), and/or Volume 3 (for Series 24-30).
This English Zohar course began in January 2019. Currently there are about 120 people participating, including old and new members. Often, people enroll in one or more series (of 6 shiurim each), then take a break and perhaps rejoin for a subsequent series. Among current members, there are several dozen rabbis (of various denominations), but also many folks without Hebrew fluency or much background in studying traditional Jewish texts. Although I sometimes refer to the original Aramaic text, this course is intended especially for those who have not yet studied Zohar extensively or even at all. On the other hand, some of those who are fluent in reading Hebrew reading follow along in the original Aramaic (which is distributed before each shiur) as I read and explicate the English. This is a great way to learn Zoharic Aramaic.
There is a Facebook group for both courses (Zohar Zoom), in which we discuss the Zohar. You are welcome to join this group even if you do not enroll in the Zohar course. Simply go to Facebook, click on the Groups icon (a circle with 3 human figures in it), and search for Zohar Zoom.
(These same videos are also available by clicking above on "Videos and Podcasts")
1) The first shiur of the English Zohar course (January 16, 2019). Here I provide a brief introduction to the Ten Sefirot, and then we explore a passage near the beginning of the Zohar (1:1b), in The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Vol. 1, pp. 5-7.
2) A passage from the Zohar about meditating on a candle, from Zohar 1:50b-51a; The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Vol. 1, pp. 282-284. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11wzmKflpGlMXSDVMdn0y3ec43iDMP4Si?usp=sharing
3) A passage from the Zohar on inviting the Ushpizin (Guests) into the Sukkah, from Zohar 3:103b-104a; The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Vol. 8, pp. 163-168. (October 16, 2019)
4) A shiur in the Aramaic Zohar course (Series 2, Shiur 4, February 24, 2022):
5) A subsequent shiur in the Aramaic Zohar course (Series 3, Shiur 5, June 16, 2022):
There is no link for payment. Rather, as explained below, to enroll in either the English or the Aramaic Zohar course, you simply pay me online for one or more series of either course. I prefer that you pay via Zelle, but you can also pay via Venmo or PayPal, or by sending a check, and then I will send you further info and links.
The cost of each series (of six shiurim) is on a sliding scale from $150 – $300. You determine the exact amount (between $150 – $300), based on what you can afford. Once you have paid, I will email you a link to the live weekly shiurim and/or a separate link to the recordings. Please email me once you have paid for the first time online (using my email address below).
You can pay me online (preferably via Zelle, but alternatively via Venmo or PayPal), using my email address; see below. (If you pay on Venmo and you need the last four digits of my phone number, they are 3920.) Alternatively, you can send a check to me (at the address at the end of this description).
When making online payments, please indicate, if possible, which course you are enrolling in (English or Aramaic) and which series (e.g., Series 1, Series 23). If there is no way to indicate this (as on Zelle), then please email me at the address below if this is your first payment. If you pay on Venmo or PayPal, please include your preferred email address in the space for a “note” on the payment page.
If you prefer to pay by check, you can mail your check (made out to Daniel Matt) to the address below. Please specify which course and which series you are paying for. The cost (described above) is for each series of six shiurim.
My mailing address: Daniel Matt, 1013 Middlefield Rd., Berkeley, CA 94708
My email: [email protected] (Please include my middle initial “c”. Otherwise the payment will go to the wrong person!)
The current series of my Aramaic Zohar course (Series 10) runs from January 16, 2025, through March 27 (meeting biweekly, including these 6 Thursdays: January 16 and 30, February 13 and 27, March 13 and 27). For details on this course, see below. We are exploring the original Aramaic text of the Zohar, corresponding to Volume 3 of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition.
For sample videos of both courses, click above on "Free Videos and Podcasts" or see below.
For Enrollment and Payment Information, see below, at the end of this page. There is no link for payment. Rather, as explained below (in Enrollment and Payment Information), you simply pay me online (via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle) or send a check, and then I will send you further info and links for the course.
For a curriculum (a full list of the Zohar passages we've studied, 2019-2023), click above on "Zohar Curriculum."
Some years ago, I completed an 18-year project of translating and annotating the Zohar (The Zohar: Pritzker Edition). Now I am teaching Zohar online. There are two Zohar courses, one based on my English translation and the other based on the original Aramaic text of the Zohar. Each is described below.
There are various ways to participate in either course.
- Begin with the first series, watching or listening to the recordings. Then, either continue with the second series, or—as many do—jump to the current series. With Zohar, it doesn’t matter so much where you dive in or in what exact order you proceed.
- For those who prefer live meetings, you can begin with the current series. Later, if you wish, you can go back and “catch up” on some of the earlier series. I recommend, though, that you watch the very first shiur of the first English series, where I briefly explain the ten Sefirot. (See the link above in "Videos and Podcasts" or further below.)
The Aramaic Zohar course meets bi-weekly on alternate Thursdays. Each series consists of six shiurim (“measures,” lessons). The current series (Series 10) runs from January 16 through March 27. The time of the Zoom meetings of the Aramaic course is: 11 am -12:15 pm (Pacific), 2 pm (Eastern), 9 pm (Israel time). Video and audio recordings (of all six shiurim of any one series) are available to anyone who enrolls in that series. Those who wish can also enroll in any of the earlier series and watch or listen to the recordings. For enrollment and payment information, see below. For this Aramaic Zohar course, you do not need to know Aramaic, but you should have fluency in reading Hebrew (with comprehension).
The English Zohar course meets weekly on Tuesdays, with six shiurim in each series. Here we study the Zohar in my English translation (The Zohar: Pritzker Edition), with frequent reference to the original Aramaic. In each series, we explore new passages from the Zohar, not repeating what has been covered in any earlier series.
Video and audio recordings (of all six shiurim of any one series) are available to anyone who enrolls in that series. Currently (in both courses) about half the participants attend the live shiurim, whereas the other half access the recordings afterward at their convenience. The upcoming series (Series 30) runs from February 18 through March 25 (including February 18, 25; March 4, 11, 18 and 25). Those who wish can also enroll in any of the earlier series and watch or listen to the recordings. For enrollment and payment information, see below.
The English course meets via Zoom on Tuesday evenings from 5 pm – 6:30 pm Pacific Time (8 pm – 9:30 pm Eastern Time). During the first hour, I teach a passage from the Zohar, following which there is time for questions. In November 2020 we completed Volume 1 of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition In May 2023 we completed Volume 2. We are currently in Volume 3. If you join the course, you should obtain Volume 1 (for Series 1-12), Volume 2 (for Series 12-23), and/or Volume 3 (for Series 24-30).
This English Zohar course began in January 2019. Currently there are about 120 people participating, including old and new members. Often, people enroll in one or more series (of 6 shiurim each), then take a break and perhaps rejoin for a subsequent series. Among current members, there are several dozen rabbis (of various denominations), but also many folks without Hebrew fluency or much background in studying traditional Jewish texts. Although I sometimes refer to the original Aramaic text, this course is intended especially for those who have not yet studied Zohar extensively or even at all. On the other hand, some of those who are fluent in reading Hebrew reading follow along in the original Aramaic (which is distributed before each shiur) as I read and explicate the English. This is a great way to learn Zoharic Aramaic.
There is a Facebook group for both courses (Zohar Zoom), in which we discuss the Zohar. You are welcome to join this group even if you do not enroll in the Zohar course. Simply go to Facebook, click on the Groups icon (a circle with 3 human figures in it), and search for Zohar Zoom.
(These same videos are also available by clicking above on "Videos and Podcasts")
1) The first shiur of the English Zohar course (January 16, 2019). Here I provide a brief introduction to the Ten Sefirot, and then we explore a passage near the beginning of the Zohar (1:1b), in The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Vol. 1, pp. 5-7.
2) A passage from the Zohar about meditating on a candle, from Zohar 1:50b-51a; The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Vol. 1, pp. 282-284. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11wzmKflpGlMXSDVMdn0y3ec43iDMP4Si?usp=sharing
3) A passage from the Zohar on inviting the Ushpizin (Guests) into the Sukkah, from Zohar 3:103b-104a; The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Vol. 8, pp. 163-168. (October 16, 2019)
4) A shiur in the Aramaic Zohar course (Series 2, Shiur 4, February 24, 2022):
5) A subsequent shiur in the Aramaic Zohar course (Series 3, Shiur 5, June 16, 2022):
There is no link for payment. Rather, as explained below, to enroll in either the English or the Aramaic Zohar course, you simply pay me online for one or more series of either course. I prefer that you pay via Zelle, but you can also pay via Venmo or PayPal, or by sending a check, and then I will send you further info and links.
The cost of each series (of six shiurim) is on a sliding scale from $150 – $300. You determine the exact amount (between $150 – $300), based on what you can afford. Once you have paid, I will email you a link to the live weekly shiurim and/or a separate link to the recordings. Please email me once you have paid for the first time online (using my email address below).
You can pay me online (preferably via Zelle, but alternatively via Venmo or PayPal), using my email address; see below. (If you pay on Venmo and you need the last four digits of my phone number, they are 3920.) Alternatively, you can send a check to me (at the address at the end of this description).
When making online payments, please indicate, if possible, which course you are enrolling in (English or Aramaic) and which series (e.g., Series 1, Series 23). If there is no way to indicate this (as on Zelle), then please email me at the address below if this is your first payment. If you pay on Venmo or PayPal, please include your preferred email address in the space for a “note” on the payment page.
If you prefer to pay by check, you can mail your check (made out to Daniel Matt) to the address below. Please specify which course and which series you are paying for. The cost (described above) is for each series of six shiurim.
My mailing address: Daniel Matt, 1013 Middlefield Rd., Berkeley, CA 94708
My email: [email protected] (Please include my middle initial “c”. Otherwise the payment will go to the wrong person!)